Friday, February 19, 2010

Jan-Feb 2010

The end of the first week of Arabic Sign Language. The presenter on my left did most of the talking. He was fluent in American Sign Language having gained his Masters and Doctrate in the US. He was also fluent in English and would sometimes explain in English what was being discussed. The presenters bought these perfumes from Saudi Arabia out of their own funds for the participants.

Our speeding driver.

Beware of Road Surprises.

I had to say something to the driver about the speed he was doing. We were in a van type car that is NOT built for that kind of speed. The highway speed here is 120kmh. Still way to fast. The accidents here on the open road are never good.

This shot is a little clearer but he was only doing 140 this time. He was changing lanes erraticly as well. I am the worst backseat driver (even though I was in the front) especially if the driver is speeding or driving dangerously.

Camels in the desert. The carer sits with them out in the sun and no shelter. Not too much food for the animals either.

In waiting area. Matthew had expected me to leave - but I couldn't go until the plane had gone. It's how my family does good-byes.

Matthew spots me waiting for his flight to leave.

Matthew leaving Brisbane airport. A separation for another 3-4 months. Or so we thought....

The Tertiary Place, where Adults with disabilities learn and grow through a variety of courses and activities. One of the conference rooms.

Multi-purpose area.

Official opening.

A day out with Nana and Poppy. Hiding from Nana.

Hide and seek at home. hide, hide, hide, as the other little voice says 1... 2... 3...

Zoe took this photo of Nana picking berries. I was colder in the Melbourne summer than in the Al Ain winter.

Miss Roxy not too sure, while Stella was all into it.

Yummy! Rasberries fresh off the bush. Food on the bushes.

Family outing - Berry picking

Christmas in January. Thank you Stella.

Back to Al Ain Feb 2010:
Saturday morning I popped in to see my mum and dad before I flew out. Daniel was with me and it was lovely to sit around the kitchen table like we always do and just talk. Mum slipped off her special MIZPAH ring and put it in my hand with instructions to wear it until I return with Daniel in May. Then I am to pass it over to Wendy. I was so touched. I do love my family and I miss them very much, even though I feel that this time apart is right.
Daniel dropped me off at the airport, and I made my way to be the first in the check in line. I placed my bags on the converyor belt only to discover I had quite a bit of excess luggage, infact $240 worth. Daniel wasn't there so I just had to pay for it and take it with me.
I had been up late packing and should have taken my sisters advice not take any clothes back with me. Through customs and I sat alone waiting to board. As I sat alone and read, my fingers played with my mothers ring now on my right little finger. Daniel had given me a lovely blessing Friday night. So I felt i had done everything to prepare for this trip. My flight wasn't too bad and the on leg to Singapore I sat by myself. The fellow that was to sit beside me moved to have an entire row to himself. From Singapore we had a plane full of housemaids etc, so he had to sit beside me. He wasn't a fat guy, but rather his muscles hung ove the middle armrest. I was sitting on the asile seat. I was very uncomfortable for the next 7hrs as I leaned into the isle pulling my left arm and shoulder in tightly to myself. I was glad to be off the plane. Matthew met me at the airport with a red rose. It was another hour and forty-five mins drive home to Al Ain. Finally 2am I slipped into bed not even remembering putting my head on the pillow. It was to be that way for the next 4 nights.
I was up and ready to go by 8am. I had to be at the Deaf Unit for the drive to Abu Dhabi where the Arabic Sign Language class was to be held. We had to leave Al Ain by 11 am for a 1pm class that wouldn't finish until 6pm. I didn't get home until Timothy picked me up from the fruit and vege market after the driver didn't know where the fruit and vege markets were. It was after 8.30pm by now. The driver had taken me to the wrong markets and had to back track. By now I WAS SO TIRED I JUST WANTED TO CRY.
I am loving the challenge to learn Arabic Sign Language (ArSL)and the people on the course have been such great supporters. I have passed all my exams so far. I do believe God is helping me be successful. Another tender mercy is that the main presenter was fluent in English. Another driver this week took me to the wrong shops where Matthew was to pick me up. grrr so tired again.

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